10 Years OKF DE
The Open Knowledge Foundation Germany has its 10th birthday this year – we want to celebrate!

Since February 19, 2011, we have been advocating open knowledge as well as digital literacy and the ethical use of technology, demonstrating its democratic potential and bringing people together. On this day, the Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland e.V. was founded in Berlin.
Since then, we have implemented 56 projects, drunk (circa) 4700 bottles of mate, and made 55797 commits to our GitHub repository. OK Labs have been founded in 26 cities and our community has grown to a staggering 1387 members, who have contributed decisively to the success of numerous projects and thus to OKF.
To celebrate our 10th anniversary, we’re taking a look back at what we’ve accomplished over the past few years. We will talk to our early supporters, companions, friends and sponsors and take you on a journey through the first ten years of OKF in Germany in interviews, blogposts and videos.
Alle Beiträge zum Jubiläumsjahr 2021
Von der ersten Anfrage bis zur großen Enthüllung - zwei Perspektiven auf 10 Jahre Informationsfreiheit
Freiheit für Wissen! Freiheit für uns?
Von Militärgeschichte zu Datenspaziergängen - eine Bestandsaufnahme der digitalen Zivilgesellschaft
Eine Bestandsaufnahme der digitalen Zivilgesellschaft. Bildschirmgespräch zum 10. Geburtstag der OKF
Wir laden ein zu unserer Veranstaltungsreihe. Ein Jahrzehnt OKF – Kritik, Politik und Aktivismus
Die OKF wird 10 Jahre alt
10 Jahre OKF in Projekten
7 new projects
7 new projects