
    Digital tools for a better together

    The shaping of family life in Germany has changed enormously in recent decades. Patchwork families, multi-generation houses and households of single parents bring completely different requirements with them. One of the biggest challenges is the compatibility of family and career. Or to put it another way: is it really necessary to have to sit in a doctor’s waiting room for three hours each time? We think that this can work better.

    Bild vom Event
    Foto: Leonard Wolf, CC-BY-SA 4.0 FamilienLabore
    Bild vom Event
    Foto: Leonard Wolf, CC-BY-SA 4.0 FamilienLabore

    The family labs are a workshop format to rethink the compatibility of family and career together with family members, local interest representatives, and technology experts. It aims to develop prototypical yet concrete solutions. This can be a waiting room app. Or making regional data on education and leisure opportunities accessible to people who are not interested in technology. Or a digital open source tool for better shopping coordination within families. Everything that concerns the participants in the family labs and for which there are technical solutions. In the form of outlandish workshop formats with comics, mini robots, click/paper prototypes and photo love stories, everything becomes possible!