PSI Directive - joint effort by OKF and friends


    Updates: 25.08.18 Stellungnahme zur PSI Richtlinie

    A short update on the PSI directive (the proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the re-use of public sector information (recast). Today the joint Open Knowledge comment for the PSI directive recast was submitted.

    Thanks to Open Knowledge International, OK Finnland and OK Austria for the combined effort.

    More background information and a rough timeline of the next steps:

    The committee responsible for the PSI Directive is ITRE, the Industry, Research and Energy Committee.

    The report is expected towards the end of October, rapporteur is Neoklis Sylikiotis (GUE/NGL).
    (Hint: Anybody from the Greek open data scene is highly welcome to talk to us or to Neoklis Sylikiotis.)

    ITRE shadow rapporteurs are: EPP: Michal Boni, S&D Razvan Popa, ALDE Morten Helveg Petersen, Greens: Felix Reda More details here:

    IMCO has special competence, which is why it is also good to address these shadow rapporteurs:

    EPP Sabine Verheyen, S&D Liisa Jaakonsaari, ECR Richard Sulik, ALDE Dita Charanzova

    Timeline in IMCO: Deadline for amendments was 12.07.18, compromises will be negotiated in September, vote is expected on the 10th or 11th October.

    Timeline ITRE: Rapporteur’s draft report must be submitted by the end of September, it will be presented publicly on 8th or 9th October, 11th October deadline for amendments, vote on 3rd December.

    The first talks with the Council could then take place in Strasbourg in calendar week 50.

    If the Austrians want to have a good say during their presidency, the Council should also have its “General Approach” ready by calendar week 50, so that the negotiations can start. However, completion is not expected to take place before the end of January under the Romanian Presidency.

    Anybody interested in the process please contact me. We will coordinate the Open Knowledge Network and friends.

    12.09.2018 ITRE Draft
    01.10.2018 Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the re-use of public sector information (recast) - Presidency compromise text
    List of high value data sets proposed at IMCO

    On the 25th of October there will be a PSI-policy meeting at the European Data Summit
    ~12:00/12:30 - 14:00, remote participation is possible, more infos