Open administrative data

    Promoting open data in public administration by contributing with our civil society expertise

    Public authorities from federal to local level produce and publish thousands of documents every day. In the context of the omnipresent digitalisation of public services, many goals have been set in recent years concerning the use of open data standards. However, the implementation fell short of the target so far. There is a great need for public authorities to build up knowledge and competences in the field of data provision. With this project the OKF wants to put its focus again on one of its core topics: contributing to the social discourse by offering our expertise in the field of open data.

    The goal of open administrative data has several levels: In addition to making government action more transparent and promoting democratic participation of several stakeholders, we also want to emphasize on the benefits of open data standards for internal administrative processes in dialogue with public authorities. In cooperation with our community, we want to bundle know-how and implementation strategies and make them freely available.