OKF at the OGP Summit - Have your say and vote for the sessions you want to see happening at the summit

How can we make governments more transparent and accountable? What are tried and true strategies for opening up government data? The annual OGP summit is an opportunity for the open government community to address its current issues and challenges, and discuss the way ahead. This year, the summit will be held in December in Paris, and you can have your say in shaping the agenda. Together with our friends and partners like g0v.tw, Open Contracting Partnership and Transparency International, we are involved in a couple of sessions - all of which are listed below. Your vote would count towards them happening!
*Factors of Success and Failure for Public Procurement Portals*
This roundtable will focus on public procurement portals and the ways civil society and government actors can collaborate to make these portals more open and transparent, integrate feedback loops, as well as generate lessons for the rapidly expanding community of such portals about the critical elements of lasting impact.
Find out more and vote [here](https://en.ogpsummit.org/osem/conference/ogp-summit/program/proposal/193)!
*How can civic tech communities and governments work together?*
In this roundtable we will discuss different strategies on how civic tech grassroots initiatives can established fruitful collaborations with local governments. Panelists from Taiwan, South Africa and Germany will share their experiences from their home countries. Current and future challenges will be discussed with the hope that our learnings will make future projects not only easier to start and scale, but also more effective.
Find out more and vote [here](https://en.ogpsummit.org/osem/conference/ogp-summit/program/proposal/424)!
*Experiences from the 'Structural and Cohesion Funds dataproject and pilots' at OpenBudgets.eu*
Come listen to our pitch if you want to find out: how you can trace EU-subsidy data and make the EU more transparent, how to work with financial tools, methodologies and standards, and if you want to know how to set up a large open data project with financial data.
Find out more and vote [here](https://en.ogpsummit.org/osem/conference/ogp-summit/program/proposal/208)!
*Improving accountability in public procurement*
The Workshop is designed to bring together different actors working in the field of public procurement and open data, to facilitate a constructive exchange of experiences and identification of potential areas of collective action.
Find out more and vote [here](https://en.ogpsummit.org/osem/conference/ogp-summit/program/proposal/198)!
More than 50 countries in the Open Government Partnership have committed to making their procurement more transparent. At least 15 countries are implementing and starting to publish in the Open Contracting Data Standard. This increased access to open data on government contracts means new opportunities to analyze, monitor and use this data to shine a light on public procurement markets - notorious havens for corruption. This interactive session will focus on sharing approaches to creating effective and re-usable mechanisms and platforms for government, business, and civic activists with a focus on corruption risks and government effectiveness.
Find out more and vote [here](https://en.ogpsummit.org/osem/conference/ogp-summit/program/proposal/248)!
See you at the OGP and don’t forget to vote!