OGD Camp reloaded

    Viele von euch waren sicherlich beim Open Government Data Camp in Warschau dabei, einige wären gerne dagewesen, konnten aber nicht. Alle die da waren konnten sicherlich nicht alles ansehen und behalten was sie wollten.

    In den letzten Wochen haben wir deshalb eifrig Daten gesammelt, Präsentationen und Bilder gesichtet und diese jetzt auf www.ogdcamp.org/after bereitgestellt.


    • “Every community needs a big event to bring everyone together every year. Just like every family has a Christmas party, where all are welcome, regardless of what happened during the year. The OGD Camp is the open data community’s Christmas party. I can’t wait ’till next Christmas.” — Ton Zijlstra, ePSIplatform.eu, Netherlands
    • “[I loved] the ‘gathering of the tribes’. It was wonderful to meet similar projects, the scholars, and the politicians supporting them. And the venue – the M25 was incredibly cool.” — Iván Sánchez, Open Street Map, Spain
    • “I came to OGDCamp to meet people who were working with city government and were involved with changing perception of open practices in their own communities – and this is where I think the power of OGDCamp and similar events lie.” — Julian Tate,FutureEverything, United Kingdom
    • “This year’s OGDCamp was really nice, from the venue to the talks, and included lots of reunions and new encounters. Meeting with lots of new parliamentary projects and having great discussions to… share ideas was really cool, and kind of reminded me of the former BerlinInOctober’s event!” — Benjamin Ooghe-Tabanou, Regards Citoyens, France
    • “I was happily surprised by the number of new people I met working on interesting projects in countries that, due to language barriers, I had heard less about in Canada. After the camp, I was able to connect these people with similar projects in my home country and abroad to share experiences and resources.” — James McKinney, Open North, Canada
    • “It was fun to meet the gang. This is wonderful project that you are involved with… we are creating ripples of change that hopefully will turn into tsunamis of open government data in the future.” — Bernadette Hyland, 3RoundStones Inc, USA
    • “This was a great chance to meet some of the most practical, effective re-users of open data out there, and a good forum to try to establish cooperation between international projects of similar kinds.” — Tom Steinberg, My Society, United Kingdom


    Es ist nicht sinnvoll hier die Videos von all den guten Präsentationen einzubinden. Ich habe einfach mal zwei herausgegriffen, die mir persönlich besonders gut gefallen haben. Außerdem gibt es eine Vielzahl von Videos von der Veranstaltung auf unserem Vimeo Channel.

    [OGDCamp2011] Ellen S. Miller - sunlight foundation from Open Knowledge Foundation on Vimeo.

    [OGDCamp2011] Andrew Rasiej from Open Knowledge Foundation on Vimeo.


    Für alle die nicht dabei sein konnten oder die eine oder andere Präsentation noch einmal sehen wollen.


    Alle Fotos gibt es bei Flickr mit dem tag “ogdcamp”.

    Es war eine großartige Veranstaltung, und das vor allem wegen all der coolen Leute mir ihren verrückten, kreativen und inspirierenden Ideen! Danke dafür und bis bald!

    Twitter: #ogdcamp #okfn